It’s not surprising that quite a number of films have been made with the plot based on a lottery win. If you’re looking to enjoy someone else’s lottery moment on film, but don’t just want to see stories where life is a bed of roses, check out these lottery stories with a twist.
Lucky (2011)
Tom Hanks’ son Colin stars in this dark comedy, playing the role of Ben Keller, a man who wins the lottery and is then able to pursue the girl he has a crush on since childhood. Lucy hasn’t taken any notice of him until he wins the Iowa lottery, but then suddenly does and marries him. The problem is that Ben has murdered the real owner of the lottery ticket and Lucy discovers this. However, she’s so mercenary that she wants to stick around to cash in on the next lottery check, even though she fears Ben may murder her too, and with a police detective investigating the murders of other young blonde girls, it looks likely that she might not escape.
Waking Ned Devine (1999)
In a town of only 52 inhabitants in Ireland, one of them has won the lottery and no-one claims it. The town of Tulaigh More in Ireland go on a search for the winner and discover that old Ned Devine has died of shock with his lottery ticket in his hand and a grin on his face. The winnings need to be claimed by the person who bought the ticket – so the whole community works together to get Ned’s money and split it 51 ways. Things become complicated, however, when a lottery inspector comes in person to check out the winner’s story.