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Comic Book Review - Star Trek: Khan #3

Villordsutch reviews Star Trek: Khan #3...

Comic Book Review - Star Trek: Khan #3
"The exclusive never-before-seen origin of STAR TREK's greatest villain continues here, in the official tie-in to the blockbuster hit STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS! The legendary Eugenics Wars lay waste to the planet as Khan fights to preserve his empire! Don't miss this all-new epic overseen by STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci!"

My review of the last issue caught a word of flack on the web as I didn’t appreciate the huge leaps taken when it came to Khan and Co. taking over the world (who knew it’d be so easy).  Well here in issue #3 I’ll tell you now there are a few large leaps made, however in this comic it seems somewhat appropriate.

Expecting “Wine and Roses”, the initial pages greet us with Khan being worshipped by the people, with ribbons and streamers tumbling around the cheering and clapping obedient citizens as he stands, square jawed and steely eyed as his monologue of why people appreciate being ruled surrounds him; you could be mistaken that my initial expectation was correct. However, we are quickly shown what absolute power can accomplish around the world with malevolent dictatorships, nuclear wars, civil unrest etc.  -you name it Khan’s world has brought it, either by accident or by the refusal to be ruled, the people of the world rudely snubbing their nose at Khan's “people what to be ruled” train of thought.  More Coke and Pizza than Wine and Roses.  As quick as Khan’s uprising started (well perhaps not that quick), the non-genetically superior people show Khan who is the proverbial daddy. All this happens along with longstanding friends who turn their backs on Khan and Khan turning his back on a long standing friend. This is rather an engrossing tale and not what I was expecting to be honest.

What we don’t get to see is an Indian Super Warlord become a White British Super Human.  Considering we have two issues left I’m guessing this is either a quick nip/tuck job when Admiral Marcus finds him or the Son’a have brought their plastic surgeon skills to Section 31. I’m expecting that issues #4 and #5 are going to round up all of these threads and tie them into a perfect bow or they could not tell us and leave a lot of Trek fans extremely pee’d off.

Mike Johnson has brought the story back up to a level which I am happy with. I know that with the last issue I had a right old moan at the story and its horrible jumps, but in this issue it flows a lot better and unfurls to a brilliant downfall of the Superior Humans, led by Khan, who believed they could bring a world of peace under the rule and their superior intellect failed to see why this wouldn’t come to be.  I'm glad that the bar has risen again  this is what I wanted and I’m getting it.

The art is also that bit better this issue. Gone is the trademark head-crushing and to be honest considering a worldwide eradication of the Eugenics is taking place, the amount of blood soaked gore is down to a minimum just one beautiful swash of blood in one panel.  Hats off to all involved and there are a fair few people making the images and panels of this comic come to life.

So to put my feelings into this tiny end paragraph, Khan #3 has left me feeling better than Khan #2 did.  The story has strengthened, and the artwork has followed; with issue four less just a month away I cannot wait to see how they are going to bring the Admiral Marcus storyline in.

Villordsutch likes his sci-fi and looks like a tubby Viking according to his children. Visit his website and follow him on Twitter.

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