Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation have released a selection of clips and images from the next round of DC Nation offerings; first up is Beware the Batman...
Responding to a break-in at Stagg Industries, Batman rescues a security guard named Rex Mason (ADAM BALDWIN) who had been exposed to a weaponized toxic gas called Project Metamorpho. Soon, Rex begins to mutate, with the ability to control the elements in his own body. Terrified and unable to control his new abilities, Rex becomes a fugitive. Realizing that this metamorphosis is slowly killing Rex, Batman sets out to find a cure. But Rex is only concerned about the woman he loves – Sapphire Stagg (EMMANUELLE CHRIQUI) – and he’d risk all of Gotham to be with her. But her father – Simon Stagg (JEFF BENNETT) – holds secrets of his own and will do anything to keep them apart.
Followed by Teen Titans Go!...
Beast Boy thinks the villainess Terra is his new girlfriend, but she is just using him to gain access to all of the Titans’ secrets. Only Raven suspects Terra, but the others just think that Raven is jealous.
And lastly, the next DC Nation Short - Super Pets: World's Finest Bark...
Responding to a break-in at Stagg Industries, Batman rescues a security guard named Rex Mason (ADAM BALDWIN) who had been exposed to a weaponized toxic gas called Project Metamorpho. Soon, Rex begins to mutate, with the ability to control the elements in his own body. Terrified and unable to control his new abilities, Rex becomes a fugitive. Realizing that this metamorphosis is slowly killing Rex, Batman sets out to find a cure. But Rex is only concerned about the woman he loves – Sapphire Stagg (EMMANUELLE CHRIQUI) – and he’d risk all of Gotham to be with her. But her father – Simon Stagg (JEFF BENNETT) – holds secrets of his own and will do anything to keep them apart.
Followed by Teen Titans Go!...
Beast Boy thinks the villainess Terra is his new girlfriend, but she is just using him to gain access to all of the Titans’ secrets. Only Raven suspects Terra, but the others just think that Raven is jealous.
And lastly, the next DC Nation Short - Super Pets: World's Finest Bark...