The story arc exploring the secret origin of Tony Stark carries into Iron Man #15 which comes from the creative minds of writer Kieron Gillen and artist Carlo Pagulayan.
Iron Man finally gets his chance to take down 451, and he’s bringing some friends! It’s a showdown for the ages, and you’ll never guess who comes out on top! Plus, as the Godkiller heads straight for Earth, Tony must give it his all to stop it from destroying his home planet… but can he?
Iron Man #15 which features a cover by Greg Land goes on sale September 4, 2013.
Want to learn more about the adopted daughter of the Mad Titan known as Thanos? From August 9 to August 11, 2013 only Marvel is offering a free Guardians of the Galaxy: Gamora Infinite Comic.
When Thanos enslaves a planet left ravished by the events of Avengers VS. X-Men, Gamora must mount a one-woman mission to liberate the oppressed civilization. But what chance does the would-be liberator have against an entire Badoon fleet?
Also available to be read is the Infinite Comic issue Wolverine: Japan’s Most Wanted #5 which makes use of the creative talents of Jason Aaron, Jason Latour and Paco Diaz.
Stranded in the far reaches of Japan, Wolverine must slice his way not only through the deadly Silver Samurai, but the entire Tokyo police force. Yet even when he’s outmanned, outgunned, and on the run, Wolverine is still the best there is at what he does—but he’s not the only one.
Offer Ends Sunday 11pm EST in North America and at local evening times in other regions.