Taking RoboCop's original release date of August 9th, 2013 is the Matt Damon-headlined sci-fi epic Elysium from District 9 director Neill Blomkamp, which has itself been pushed back from March. No official reason has been given, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, "the switch-up will allow more time for postproduction and visual effects [on RoboCop]."
Written by Nick Schenk (Gran Torino), Joshua Zetumer (Quantum of Solace) and James Vanderbilt (The Amazing Spider-Man), RoboCop sees Kinnaman's Officer Alex Murphy joined by a supporting cast that includes Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight Rises), Samuel L. Jackson (The Avengers), Jackie Earle Haley (Lincoln), Abbie Cornish (Sucker Punch) and Jay Baruchel (Cosmopolis), while Michael Keaton (Batman) portrays the villainous OmniCorp CEO Raymond Sellars.