Trevor Hogg reviews the series where chaos ensues when two classic crime fighters from different coasts cross paths in The Rocketeer and The Spirit: Pulp Friction #1...
From the grim and gritty streets of Central City where The Spirit navigates through the urban underbelly of corruption to the sunny skies of Los Angeles where The Rocketeer soars above the Hollywood elite, these two classic characters will become enthralled in murder, mayhem, and all manner of danger—and with a healthy dose of signature humour tossed in for good measure.
A Central City debate is taking place where an alderman is opposing the privatizing of the television airwaves; he storms out in protest only to be found a day later three thousand miles way on the California coast by Betty who is doing a fashion shoot with a female friend. The discovery becomes a national news item which captures the attention of Commissioner Dolan and The Spirit who inadvertently fly to the Hollywood state when Ellen, the daughter of Dolan, walks in on the conversation.
Betty has sequestered herself in a bedroom not willing to talk to anyone. Cliff Secord is frustrated by the antics of his girlfriend and seeks to unravel the murder mystery with the assistance of Peevy. Complicating matters is the arrival of the three strangers at the private airport who are seeking out the distraught model and actress which results in a high flying fight between The Rocketeer and The Spirit. With the misunderstanding resolved a new complication arises when Betty finally opens the door and is smitten by the masked man from Central City.
Trevor Hogg is a freelance video editor and writer who currently resides in Canada.