Those computer animated Danish toy building blocks strike again with the arrival today of LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite. Based on the popular TT Animation video game, the full-length animated feature film has released a series of new images as well as a clip which features a trusted sidekick pursuing a feline villain...
Lex Luthor takes jealousy to new heights when fellow billionaire Bruce Wayne wins the Man of the Year Award. To top Wayne’s accomplishment, Lex begins a campaign for President – and to create the atmosphere for his type of fear-based politics, he recruits the Joker to perfect a Black LEGO Destructor Ray. While wreaking havoc on Gotham, Lex successfully destroys Batman's technology – forcing the Caped Crusader to reluctantly turn to Superman for help.
LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite is now available as a Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, OnDemand and via Digital Download.