As movie fans eagerly look forward to the arrival of Iron Man 3 (2013) in cinemas, Marvel NOW! has released a first look at the comic book adventures of Tony Stark as written by Kieron Gillen and depicted by Greg Land.
Tony Stark, the Godkiller, is GUILTY! With his armour far beyond his reach, Tony Stark is at the mercy of both the Voldi and their muscle – Death’s Head! Can Recorder 451 retrieve the Iron Man suit before it’s too late?
Iron Man #8 goes on sale April 17, 2013.
Tony Stark, the Godkiller, is GUILTY! With his armour far beyond his reach, Tony Stark is at the mercy of both the Voldi and their muscle – Death’s Head! Can Recorder 451 retrieve the Iron Man suit before it’s too late?
Iron Man #8 goes on sale April 17, 2013.